
Klevengen, K. T. L. (2019). Investigating Attitudes Towards Household Preparedness Storage in two Norwegian Municipalities (MSc thesis). The University of Manchester, United Kingdom. [PDF]

Klevengen, K. T. L. (2017). Auditory Bilateral Stimulation Effects on Episodic Memory Retrieval for Fearful Events (BSc thesis). Queen Margaret University, United Kingdom. [PDF]

Klevengen, K. T. L. (2013). Booze Beats Safety. In K. J. Meland & K. Ø. Svela (Eds), Crossing Habitual Borders (pp. 45-53). Norway: Fantasiforbundet. [PDF]

Klevengen, K. T. L. (2011). Frillesønn med helgenkongefar – Arven etter Olav den Hellige [The Son of a Leman with a Saint King as Father – The inheritance of Saint Olav] (BA thesis). The University of Oslo, Norway. [PDF]